College Facilities
College campus is located at Guladia Bhat, Rathonda, Milak-Bilaspur Road, Milak, District Rampur (U.P.). The college is having a well furnished building equipped with ultra modern amenities to make congenial and wholesome atmosphere for study.

The College has a well equipped library with reading hall. The books are issued to the students on their library cards and their identity card as per the library rules. In addition, reference facility and news papers etc. are also available. The college Library is presently having books, Bare Acts including Journals along with computer based Law Library software, containing the digital Bare Acts/ Rules (Central), Constituent Assembly Debates, Law drafting, orders and judgments of Apex Court, High Courts, Tribunals, National Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission, All States Consumer Forums, Company Law Board, Privy Council, Federal Court, Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Tribunal since inception. The students are expected to read the legal periodicals on a day-to-day basis and also refer to books for participation in various extra-curricular activities and also for their academic improvement.
The Hi-tech Computer Lab is fitted with sophisticated computers with other gadgets, accessories etc., providing internet facility. It will also cover the computerization of library to enable the quick and efficacious access to the judgments of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, High Court of various States and other legal organisations.